Wednesday, June 27, 2012


A dream come true!

Someday my prince will come... Well girls he did, and he gave us these beautiful tranparent mesh pumps. Tranparent shoes are the "Holy Grail" for shoemakers and we find these mesh Fairey Crystal Pumps made by ISON, (totally customizable via their HUD), are indeed a dream come true.

Sunday, June 24, 2012


Outrun the headhunters!

This great mesh leopard dress is the recent group gift from Purplemoon Creations.
The shoes are Lady Night Pumps from SKIFIJA, and come with bonus mesh bare feet. 
Throw in the bracelet from SHINE, and Priyanka hair by Catwa Clip and you are ready to rumble in the jungle.

Purplemoon Creations
Catwa Hair

Keri .... xxoo


Mesh with sexy costume failures

I love this naughty ribbed tank mini dress from Mon Cheri as seen here in my fave color.

Shoes are HOC's platform pumps that are delightfully economical and lest you faint, editable with "full permissions" Why buy any other pumps?

Hair by Truth.

HOC Shoes
Truth Hair

More to come,  xxoo  Keri

Two fantastic discoveries or re-discoveries!

First you must visit beautiful Tempura Island.

Second pick up this beautiful dress, the June group gift from Azul Fashion.

See you soon.... Keri  xxoo


This is about new beginnings. In this case "virtual beginnings". I was introduced to Second Life by friends I met at a business workshop. I have found it to be a great past time and diversion from my otherwise hectic life. It's my hope that my postings will provide some interesting pointers and amazing discoveries. Hang on for the ride.